Wednesday, November 7, 2007

What a way to start a day

What a way to start the day

I unlocked the door and went outside at 5:00 Am. The sky was clear and the morning crisp and cool as I ate a bowl of cereal at the patio table. All 4 dogs were out and about.
I got a handful of dog food and continued my attempt to train them Chuck one of the puppies (8months old is Todd’s dog) Arnold the other one I have picked to work with.
Max is the original dog here and was the previous missionaries. Otto is different then all the rest. Max and Atto have some issues and seem to be jockeying for alpha dog position.

While I was trying to get them to sit for food an avocado fell from the tree and Atto went got it and started eating it. The others stayed with me. When we finished Max went to Otto’s avocado and that is when it happened. Otto snapped at Max and then Max attacked Otto. Max locked on and would not let go. Benson ( the night watchman) and I tried to separate them with no success. I hit them with a stick until it broke! Benson threw water on them 3 times to no avail It was not a good scene they where dead serious about this. I could see blood and knew this only got them going more. They were set on killing one another. I got a piece of hose and continued to try to separate them all the time aware I could get bit! Finally Atto escaped and went into his dog house. As Benson chained him I held off Max who was frantically pacing and trying to get at him. Finally we sent Max to his cage. O I forgot to mention we did this all in the dark, by flashlight the sun was just rising all of this took 15 minutes what a way to start the day!

Atto has a good size injury under his left ear and a hole in his left cheek. Benson said he had been bitten by Max before.

What would Jesus do?
I did not see this in my missionary job description.
If you do not know this I love dogs and have lived without for 18 years.
So I called a veterinarian and have cleaned the wounds as she recommended with Lugols Iodine. Otto is doing OK. There needs to be a solution for these two can not be together. We have yet to let Max out of his Kennel.

alan in Africa

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