Home Church
When I asked Ryan about church on Sunday he said he is not into African church. He would attend Fireplace - a Sunday afternoon outreach church to the street kids. Most of the Mzungu (white) missionaries go there.
Esther, Rhonda and I made plans to go to church in town. When we got there at 10am, we found out it does not start till 10:45, so we opted to drive into town and see what else we could find. Just as we where turning around, the phone rang. It was Ryan and he invited me to a home church. So we returned home and waited for him to pick us up. He arrived with Pierce and little Root.
The ride was about twenty minutes and the last km or so into the village was rough. The Pastor's two room house had one room, full of sofas, set up for church. The floor is dirt. It was very hot inside so I sat by the door. Esther sat on the porch with three other ladies. There were sixteen people in attendance including three pastors and three nursing mothers. A growing congregation to say the least.
The teaching was on Psalm 1:1-3. You must step outside the box of sin in order to go to heaven. By Christ on the cross, you are redeemed. The sermon was by Pastor Andrew Namazaki - John 15: 1-8 focusing on “If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you.” John 15:7
The Congregation is trusting God to provide the money for the Plot they need to buy to build their new building They have $2,500.00 of the $4,000.00 they need, and the plot picked out in the village. This is their big prayer request of the day.
When I was asked to speak (Yes, Marcia I spoke… ) I told them how I had been called to be here today, and I chose to be here; that I am Jewish and Jesus lives in me. These are the days! Many are called but few are chosen. And they had been chosen if they were here today. I declined reading the word and prayed over the offering and closed with ...
The Lord bless you and keep you,
The Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you;
The Lord lift up his countenance upon you,
And give you his Shalom
alan in Africa
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