Tuesday, October 30, 2007


The orphans are 3 sisters named Carol, Jessica, Wilbroda. I want to tell you about Jessica. She will be 14 on Nov. 8th. When I first met Jessica she never spoke a word to me, after a few days the only thing she would say was- thank you.
Pastor Lazarus wife, Elizabeth describe her as getting to be like a city girl. This is a compliment to Jessica. On Sunday we saw Jessica dancing in worship together with other children in her age group. Jessica is doing well. We are happy for her.

This time we meet her again, a year later, she has grown taller and is less shy. And now she is able to talk to us a little. Yesterday she wrote us a note and I want to tell you about it. This is what she wrote:

There is a friend of mine who wants to teach me how to read and even to know how spellings are written pleace I want story books like six of them and a pen and two big books for composition writing pleace.....

This isn't bad after only a year of studying english.

It came into my mind that perhaps there is someone out there who might want to write to Jessica, be her pen-pal. Or you might know someone who is also studying English and wants to practice their writing.
Let us know.

Esther and alan

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